Erodium crassifolium subsp. crassifolium

Primary tabs

Erodium crassifolium subsp. crassifolium


Indigenous (IN)


not endemic

Red Data Book category

Vulnerable (VU)

IUCN criteria: D2


For subspecific treatment of the species see, e.g., Dobignard & Chatelain (2012).

Dobignard A. & Chatelain C. 2012: Index synonymique de la flore d'Afrique du Nord 4. - Genève.

Chromosome numbers

2n = 18A
A. Hand, R. 2015: Supplementary notes to the flora of Cyprus VIII. – Willdenowia 45: 245-259


Cyprus:Division 1 indigenousBDivision 3 indigenousC,D,E,F,GDivision 4 indigenousF,G,HDivision 8 indigenousI
B. Hand, R. 2006: Supplementary notes to the flora of Cyprus V. – Willdenowia 36: 761-809, C. Chrtek, J. & Slavík, B. 2001: Contribution to the flora of Cyprus. 4. – Fl. Medit. 10: 235-259, D. Coulot, P. 2000: Approche de la flore de l'ile de Chypre. – Monde Pl. 470: 16-20, E. Della, A. & Iatrou, G. 1995: New plant records from Cyprus. – Kew Bull. 50: 387-396, F. Hadjikyriakou, G. 2009: Symvoli sti meleti tis chloridas tis Kyprou 12. – Dasoponos 38: 7-10, G. Meikle, R.D. 1977: Flora of Cyprus 1. – Kew: The Bentham-Moxon Trust, H. Hand, R. 2015: Supplementary notes to the flora of Cyprus VIII. – Willdenowia 45: 245-259, I. Kefalas, K. 2012: Sympliromatikes anafores gia ti chlorida tis Kyprou 1. – Dasoponos 50: 13-16

Altitudinal range

0 – 75 mJ,K,L
J. Della, A. & Iatrou, G. 1995: New plant records from Cyprus. – Kew Bull. 50: 387-396, K. Hand, R. 2015: Supplementary notes to the flora of Cyprus VIII. – Willdenowia 45: 245-259, L. Meikle, R.D. 1977: Flora of Cyprus 1. – Kew: The Bentham-Moxon Trust



Flowering Period
