Taxonomy: This website focuses on species and subspecies. Lower ranks are not accepted but infraspecific names are listed in the synonymy. Taxonomy and nomenclature strictly follow the 'Flora of Cyprus' (Meikle 1977, 1985). Any subsequent changes are explained in the systematics section of the taxon page (documentation not yet complete). Such notes can be found on the species or subspecies level, sometimes on the genus pages (e.g. Ophrys, Orchis). We do not repeat the many doubtfully reported taxa already discussed by Meikle in great detail, but mention some important cases and problems that have arisen post 1985.
Taxonomy of families follows the classification of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (but Chenopodiaceae separated from Amaranthaceae) and Smith & al. (2006) and Rothfels & al. (2012) for Pteridophyta. Nomenclatural authors are abbreviated according to IPNI.
Red Data Book categories: Following Tsintides & al. (2007).
RE Regionally extinct
CR Critically Endangered
EN Endangered
VU Vulnerable
DD Data Deficient
NT Near Threatened
LC Least Concern
Status: All species and subspecies are classified according to the following 6 categories (for alien species, see Pysek & al. 2004 in general, and Hand 2004: 428 for Cyprus):
IN indigenous (incl. archaeophytes, i.e. introduced before the year 1500)
alien species (introduced after 1500)
NA naturalized invasive
NN naturalized non-invasive
CA casual
Q questionable (occurrence doubtful and to be clarified / no specimen-based record)
ER reported in error (definitely lacking but reported to occur)
A question mark added to IN, NA, NN or CA indicates that classification is not absolutely sure. A few cultivated taxa have been listed which may have started to naturalize but need clarification. Acceptance of a taxon is strictly based on published specimen data.
Endemism: Accepted species and subspecies belong to 3 categories: endemic, not endemic and near-endemic. There is no international consensus as regards near-endemism. We treat a taxon as near-endemic for Cyprus if it does occur in one or two additional geographical units as defined by the Euro+Med Plantbase AND if its area outside Cyprus does not exceed 10.000 square kilometers (the approximate size of Cyprus). Distribution of many taxa in several neighbouring countries is not completely known. Consequently, area size is difficult to be assessed. All relevant floras, atlasses and monographs have been considered; they are listed in the bibliography.
Distribution: Distribution maps show occurrences in the 8 phytogeographical divisions sensu Meikle (1977, 1985). Records are accepted only if they are based on published specimen data - following the tradition of the 'Flora of Cyprus'. Exceptionally, observational data from floras, checklists and other publications are discussed on the taxon pages.
Altitudinal range: It is specified in steps of 25 m (rounded up/off).
Life-form: The classification follows the system of Raunkiær (1907) with slight modifications. The following categories are used, partly in combination.
Aquatic (Helo-/Hydrophyte)