
27 June 2024
Cypricola 24 has been published. Nicole Mavrovounioti & al. deal with 5 endangered species of the Akrotiri Peninsula;

8 September 2023
Cypricola 23 has been published. The article by Maria Rousou deals with an archaeobotanical record of Cyprinia gracilis;

15 August 2023
For the first time, data on the life-form types of all taxa with confirmed records are available.

15 February 2023
The page 'Endemics' has been updated.

15 December 2022
A new instalment of Cypricola is online (no. 22), including several first records for Cyprus, for example of Alopecurus arundinaceus, Heterotheca subaxillaris and Leonotis nepetifolia;

6 June 2022
Scilla hyacinthoides has been found in Cyprus (Cypricola 21) - see new publication by Yiannis Christofides at

13 April 2022
Taxonomy of Limonium in the eastern part of Cyprus has been dealt with in a new paper, resulting in three new taxa.

4 March 2022
For most taxa, the flowering period is now displayed.

1 March 2022
Various alien species have been added to the checklist (Cypricola 20) - see new publication at

29 May 2021
A new endemic grass species, Rostraria hadjikyriakou, has been described from Cyprus.

2 March 2021
A new endemic broomrape species from Cyprus has been described, Phelipanche chionistrae.

24 September 2020
Asperula stricta probably has never been found in Cyprus (Cypricola 18) - see new publication at

3 September 2020
Solenopsis annua has been found in Cyprus (Cypricola 17) - see new publication at

24 June 2020
The image viewer has been changed. From now on, all photos are available also for users of mobile devices.

28 May 2020
A new note on Lactuca viminea in Cyprus has been published (Cypricola 16) - see new publication at

23 March 2020
Additional new data on the flora of Cyprus incl. some first records of various alien species have been published (Cypricola 15) - see new publication at

22 October 2019
Some more rarely depicted taxa are now covered by the photo documentation, e.g. Orobanche zosimi, Papaver gracile and Torilis pseudonodosa.

11 October 2019
The photo documentation now comprises 8000 pictures. Recently, photos of various taxa have been added, e.g. Convolvulus humilis, Saxifraga hederacea and Viola heldreichiana.

9 July 2019
Orobanche hedynoidis has been found in Cyprus (Cypricola 14) - see new publication at

26 April 2019
Updated numbers on the flora of Cyprus have been published as well as lists of endemics and near-endemics (Cypricola 13) - see new publication at

28 February 2019
Various new data on the flora of Cyprus incl. some first records have been published (Cypricola 12) - see new publication at

8 January 2019
Tradescantia fluminensis, another invasive xenophyte, has been found in Cyprus (Cypricola 11) - see new publication at

27 November 2018
Heliotropium curassavicum has been found in Cyprus (Cypricola 10) - see new publication at

8 November 2018
Beta lomatogona has been found in Cyprus (Cypricola 9) - see new publication at

31 October 2018
Euphorbia helioscopia subsp. helioscopioides has been found in Cyprus (Cypricola 8) - see new publication at

28 October 2018
Work on identification keys for all species and subspecies has been completed. Keys can be found on the respective genus pages (just click on the 'Keys' tab).

9 October 2018
Fuirena pubescens has been found in Cyprus for the first time (Cypricola 7) - see new publication at

14 September 2018
Since last autumn many gaps in our photo documentation have been filled, see new photos of, e.g., Euphorbia chamaepeplus, Ornithogalum neurostegium, Ranunculus neapolitanus, Silene papillosa and Vicia lutea.

24 July 2018
Various new papers on the genera Beta, Helianthemum and Silene can be found in the e-journal Cypricola at

30 January 2018
Ophioglossum vulgatum has been re-discovered in Cyprus after 78 years (Cypricola 4) - see new publication at

12 October 2017
More than 7000 photos are available now. See, e.g., recent additions for species such as Allium cassium, Convolvulus betonicifolius, Malva punctata and Moluccella laevis.

6 September 2017
The new e-journal Cypricola has been launched today. It is embedded in this website. Please visit for further informations.

12 July 2017
New paper published: Kilian N., Hand R., Hadjikyriakou G. N., Christodoulou C. S. &
Bou Dagher-Kharrat M. 2017: Astartoseris (Cichorieae, Asteraceae), a new, systematically isolated monospecific genus accommodating Lactuca triquetra endemic to Lebanon and Cyprus. - Willdenowia 47: 115-125.

3 March 2017
The publication of determination keys is nearing completion. A recent addition is the key for the genus Euphorbia, one of the most species-rich genera of the island. Over the last years, several taxa have been added to the flora of Cyprus. Further testing of the greatly expanded key is required.

16 February 2017
Additional information to the recently updated endemics page: Arum sintenisii has been found in Turkey (Yıldırım & Altioğlu 2016, see bibliography) and needs to striked off the list of Cypriot endemics. This case will be considered in the next statistic update.

8 February 2017
The collection of seed photos has been expanded. Some taxa are rarely depicted or may even be depicted for the first time. See, e.g., Helianthemum ledifolium subsp. lasiocarpum, Phlomis brevibracteata, Scilla morrisii, Solenopsis antiphonitis and Taraxacum aphrogenes.

27 January 2017
New statistical data on taxa numbers available:

Indigenous: 1640 (species and subspecies) / 1588 (species) / 52 (additional subspecies)
Naturalized invasive: 44 / 43 / 1
Naturalized non-invasive: 89 / 89 / -
Casual: 111 / 109 / 2
Hybrids: 42 / 38 / 4 [41 to be classified as indigenous, 1 as naturalized invasive]
Questionable: 69 / 58 / 11
To be clarified: 15 / 15 / -
Reported in error: 3 / 2 / 1

23 November 2016
Another first record for Cyprus: Lansdown R. V., Kefalas K. & Bazos I. 2016: New information on the status and distribution of Callitriche pulchra (Plantaginaceae), including a first record from Cyprus. - Willdenowia 46: 379-385.

2 November 2016
New paper published: Hadjikyriakou G. 2016: Melilotus elegans (Fabaceae), a new addition to the flora of Cyprus. - Dasoponos 68: 5-6.

29 June 2016
This season we are focussing on the completion of the photo documentation. There are many additions in, e.g., Fabaceae which can be found by browsing the genera Lathyrus, Trifolium and Vicia. The total number of photos has exceeded 6000.

29 March 2016
Further species now have a photo documentation: e.g. Diplotaxis viminea, Lathyrus cassius, Pisum fulvum and Silene gallica.

26 January 2016
New seed photos are available. Seeds of some species are rarely photographed or may even be documented photographically for the first time, e.g., Cachrys scabra, Limonium mucronulatum, Papaver cyprium and Tordylium carmeli.

3 December 2015
A selection of new photos has been released, see, e.g., Dactylorhiza iberica, Schismus arabicus and Vicia amphicarpa.

8 October 2015
The page "Endemics" has been updated.

7 October 2015
New statistical data on taxa numbers available:

Indigenous: 1633 (species and subspecies) / 1584 (species) / 49 (additional subspecies)
Naturalized invasive: 44 / 43 / 1
Naturalized non-invasive: 91 / 91 / -
Casual: 111 / 109 / 2
Hybrids: 48 / 42 / 6 [47 to be classified as indigenous, 1 as naturalized invasive]
Questionable: 70 / 59 / 11
To be clarified: 15 / 15 / -
Reported in error: 2 / 1 / 1

29 September 2015
Photos of various typical late summer species have been added, e.g. of Crypsis schoenoides, Glinus lotoides, Heliotropium supinum and Verbena supina.

22 September 2015
New paper published Hand R., Hadjikyriakou G. N., Christodoulou C. S. & Frajman B. 2015: Multiple origins of dendroid shrubs in the eastern Mediterranean Euphorbia hierosolymitana group (Euphorbiaceae) with description of a new species, Euphorbia lemesiana, from Cyprus. - Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179: 295-307.

11 August 2015
Since the last note in November 2014, more than 600 new photos have been added. See, e.g., recent additions in the genera Lens and Medicago.

28 July 2015
New key for Bromus available, a genus that experienced many changes since publication of the 'Flora of Cyprus' in 1985. Further testing required.

18 July 2015
New paper published Hand R. (ed.) 2015: Supplementary notes to the flora of Cyprus VIII. – Willdenowia 45: 245-259.

28 May 2015
New keys available, e.g. for the genus Poa incl. the critical taxa of the P. bulbosa group.

15 April 2015
Compilation of data on the altitudinal range of taxa has started (specified in 25 m steps). Additional data will be added continuously.

25 February 2015
New floristic paper published: Kefalas K. 2014: Additional records for the flora of Cyprus 3. – Dasoponos 60: 11-14. (Greek, with English abstract)

11 February 2015
Search for common names has been improved. Just enter a name, e.g. Λατζιά, in the field "Search taxa" and you will be led to the taxon page.

30 December 2014
Paper on new Tulipa published Christodoulou C. S., Hand R. & Charalambous C. 2014: Tulipa akamasica (Liliaceae), a new endemic species from Cyprus. - Fl. Medit. 24: 207-214.

18 November 2014
Some new statistical data: 5000 photos representing 1280 taxa are available now. Many new synonyms have been added, mostly names recently used in Mediterranean floras.

22 April 2014
The number of photos has exceeded 4500. The last lots include rare or rarely depicted taxa such as Euphorbia dimorphocaulon, Maillea crypsoides and Reseda minoica.

25 January 2014
New key for Allium available. Taxonomy of this species-rich genus has been much changed since the publication of the 'Flora of Cyprus' in 1985.

19 January 2014
New floristic paper published: Kefalas K. 2013: Additional records of the flora of Cyprus 2. – Dasoponos 56: 7-10. (Greek, with English abstract)

18 January 2014
Search for 'Common names' and other features has been simplified. Just click on 'Advanced search' top left and enter the name. See also explanations on the 'How to use' page.

7 December 2013
Population of the website continues: Now, keys for 218 genera have been published. Furthermore, several hundred new photos have been added.

28 August 2013
The website is viewable with any browser but it is optimized for Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

6 August 2013
New paper documenting the specimens in herb. Hadjikyriakou published: Hadjikyriakou G. 2013: Symvoli sti meleti tis chlorides tis Kyprou 17 - Dasoponos 55: 7-10. [Contribution to the study of the flora of Cyprus; Greek, with English abstract; comprising several genera of Fabaceae]

13 July 2013
Another 25 new keys available, mostly for genera comprising species not mentioned in Meikle's 'Flora of Cyprus', e.g. Arundo, Chrozophora and Sarcocornia.

17 May 2013
Determination keys for 140 genera released, see, e.g., Centaurium, Cyclamen, Draba, Medicago and Trifolium. Finding keys is explained on the 'How to use' page (top left on this page).

13 April 2013
New paper documenting the specimens in herb. Hadjikyriakou published: Hadjikyriakou G. 2013: Symvoli sti meleti tis chlorides tis Kyprou 16 - Dasoponos 54: 7-10. [Contribution to the study of the flora of Cyprus; Greek, with English abstract]

9 April 2013
A first set of about 100 photos documenting diaspores from the Dahlem Seed Bank is online. See, e.g., the following taxa: Campanula peregrinaNigella unguicularis, Tordylium trachycarpum, Verbascum orientale.

1 March 2013
We have started to import 'Common names', beginning with a first set of Greek names used in Cyprus. How to search and find such names, e.g. Σφένδαμνος, is explained under 'How to use' (top left on this page). The 'Advanced Search' is also useful if you wish to search for other features.

19 December 2012
Paper on new Scaligeria published Hand R., Hadjikyriakou G. & Zetzsche H. 2012: Scaligeria alziarii (Apiaceae), a new sibling species of S. napiformis from Cyprus. – Willdenowia 42: 199-207.

4 December 2012
The number of photos has exceeded 3000, representing 900 species and subspecies.

26 August 2012
We offer a new page "Endemics" which is listing endemic species, subspecies and varieties of Cyprus.

9 August 2012
There are weekly changes of numbers in a dynamic checklist but we can offer some preliminary countings (reference date 31 July 2012; species plus subspecies):
Indigenous 1625
Naturalized invasive 50
Naturalized non-invasive 75
Casual 98
Hybrids 45
Status to be clarified 68
Questionable 64

8 August 2012
Morphological descriptions of taxa found in Cyprus since 1985 (i.e. taxa lacking in the 'Flora of Cyprus' Meikle 1977/1985) will be added continuously. We have started with Solenopsis antiphonitis and Teucrium salaminium.

13 June 2012
Numerous new photos added; see for instance the genera Micromeria and Onosma.

29 May 2012
New interesting records 2012
Alcea acaulis / new for Cyprus, known since 2003 / Division 5 / H. Yorganci
Fumaria capreolata / confirmation for Division 7 / K. Kefalas, A. Paradisis & S. Tamson
Celtis tournefortii / new record for Division 7 / K. Kefalas & A. Paradisis
Eryngium campestre / new for Division 6, known since 2009 / K. Kefalas
Nigella ciliaris / confirmation for Division 8 / confirmation of a site found by D. E. Viney; H. Yorganci
Mantisalca salmantica / two new sites in Division 5 / H. Yorganci, K. Kefalas
Origanum onites / confirmation for Division 5, 2nd record for Cyprus / H. Yorganci
Osyris alba / confirmation for Division 7 / K. Kefalas
Lomelosia brachiata / new site in Division 7, 2nd record in recent years / K. Kefalas
Verbascum orientale / new site in Division 7 / K. Kefalas
Campanula delicatula / new site in Division 7 / K. Kefalas
Maillea crypsoides / new for Divisions 3, 6 & 7 / K. Kefalas
Daucus durieua / new site and confirmation for Division 7 / K. Kefalas
Rosmarinus officinalis / confirmation of the indigenous population in Division 8 / confirmation of a site found by D. E. Viney; H. Yorganci

15 May 2012
Documentation of specimen-based literature records in the 8 divisions finished; new literature (and overlooked sources) will be added continuously.

26 March 2012
new paper published Kefalas K. 2012: Additional records of the flora of Cyprus 1. – Dasoponos 50: 13-16. (Greek, with English abstract)

21 February 2012
Basic data on near-endemism added; see conventions and, e.g., Minuartia thymifolia and Phlomis lunariifolia.

26 January 2012
paper on new Teucrium published Hadjikyriakou G. & Hand R. 2011: Teucrium salaminium (Lamiaceae, Teucrium sect. Polium), a new species from Cyprus. – Candollea 66: 341-351.

31 December 2011
paper on new Arum published Hadjikyriakou G., Hand R. & Mansion G. 2011: Arum cylindraceum subsp. pitsyllianum (Araceae), a new taxon from Cyprus. – Novon 21: 431-436.

23 December 2011
new paper published Hand R. (ed.) 2011: Supplementary notes to the flora of Cyprus VII. – Willdenowia 41: 341-355.

14 December 2011
New photos of rare taxa, e.g., Campanula podocarpa, Dichoropetalum kyriakae, Salvia veneris and Sedum aetnense.

22 November 2011
Continuous weekly release of new photos, see, e.g., Arabis kennedyae, Podospermum alpigenum and several Anthemis taxa.

8 August 2011
Nearly 300 new photos added, incl. images of rarely depicted taxa such as Campanula peregrina, Cynanchum acutum and Silene argentea

15 July 2011
Centaurea cyanoides / new record / Division 1 / 2011 Charalambos S. Christodoulou

5 July 2011
Lysimachia dubia / new for Cyprus / Division 8 / 2011 Kyriakos Kefalas
Campanula podocarpa / first record since 1912 / Division 2 / 2011 Ralf Hand
Marsilea aegyptiaca / new for Cyprus / Division 4 / 2011 Charalambos S. Christodoulou

1 June 2011
release of the website