How to use

To access a taxon page, browse the taxon tree ("classification") on the left side or search a name. The tree shows only the accepted names, but it is possible to find scientific names (accepted ones and synonyms) using the search function (asterisk * as wildcard). For example, to find a taxon of the genus Limonium, just type in Limon or Limon*. By ticking the box 'Misapplied names' misapplications will be included. In your search results list, the names of accepted taxa are displayed in colour. All other names are synonyms. Clicking on the synonym leads you to the synonymy page of the accepted taxon.

Pages for species and subspecies consist of four frames: General (providing data on status, endemism, threat categories etc.), Synonymy, Keys and Images (the latter two optional). If subspecies are accepted, data will be recorded at that level.

If you want to search for other features, please click on 'Advanced Search' (left). The option 'By description full text' (top right) allows further search routines, e.g. for terms such as 'near-endemic' or certain status categories of the Red Data Book. You can also limit to selected features by ticking the boxes.

If a determination key is already available, a tab 'Keys' is shown on the top of the taxon page (examples: Centaurium, Draba, Trifolium). Clicking on taxon names in the key will lead you the general taxon page.

Full screen images will be found by clicking on the tab "images" on each taxon page. Links to the galleries are also to be found in the search results. Please note that the thumbnail photos shown in the search results are linked only to small size previews.


The website is viewable with any browser but it is optimized for Firefox, Chrome and Safari.