ISSN 2567-5621
Places of publication: Lefkosia & Berlin
Editorial board: Charalambos S. Christodoulou (Lefkosia, Cyprus), Georgios N. Hadjikyriakou (Trachoni Lemesou, Cyprus) & Ralf Hand (Berlin, Germany)
Cypricola is a new e-journal that publishes information on the vascular plants of Cyprus, with an emphasis on their taxonomy, chorology, karyology, nomenclature and conservation, as well as their botanical history and other floristic aspects. The journal’s primary focus, however, is plant recording.
Cypricola aims to publish articles and short notes quickly, in pdf format and with open access. Even single, important findings will be published in separate notes. In this way all new information will be immediately available to the public.
For submissions, we ask authors to follow the style of published instalments, especially for citations and source material (please consult the bibliography at, and for presentation of specimen data. All submissions will be reviewed and edited. In accordance with Cypriot botanical conventions, Cypricola only accepts records that are based on herbarium specimens. Cypricola publishes in English only, and non-English speaking authors are asked to involve native speakers in the manuscript to ensure a high standard of language.
All manuscripts will be reviewed by the editorial board, and as necessary by additional external reviewers. Papers that fall outside the thematic focuses of Cypricola will be rejected. We urgently request authors to use only the internationally accepted names of towns, villages and toponyms according to the official 'Gazetteer of Cyprus', without any non-accepted toponyms in parenthesis, quotation marks etc. Besides, this follows the tradition of Meikle's 'Flora of Cyprus'. The editors can help for the necessary changes in order to resolve uncertainties.
All illustrations must be sent as separate documents (e.g., in jpg format). Tables are to be embedded in the text as should the titles of the illustrations. Authors will receive a pdf for final proofreading in advance of publication.
Manuscripts should be sent to:
Cypricola is solely an online journal. The electronic versions will be secured on servers of various institutions in Cyprus and Germany. Once published, the text version cannot be amended. Errata will be published as separate documents.
Licensed under Creative Commons
- Cypricola 1 / Hand R. 2017: Some noteworthy records of flowering plants in Cyprus (1997–2016)
- Cypricola 2 / Hand R. 2017: Physospermum cornubiense in Cyprus – reported in error
- Cypricola 3 / Hadjikyriakou G. N. 2017: Helianthemum kahiricum, a new addition to the flora of Cyprus
- Cypricola 4 / Christodoulou C. S., Paradisis A. & Iosif K. 2018: The rediscovery of Ophioglossum vulgatum in Cyprus after 78 years
- Cypricola 5 / Hand R. 2018: Additional data on Beta in Cyprus
- Cypricola 6 / Makris C. & Hand R. 2018: Some remarks on Silene oliveriana Otth (Caryophyllaceae)
- Cypricola 7 / Hadjikyriakou G. N. 2018: Fuirena pubescens (Poir.) Kunth (Cyperaceae), a new addition to the native flora of Cyprus
- Cypricola 8 / Hadjikyriakou G. N. 2018: Euphorbia helioscopia subsp. helioscopioides (Loscos & J. Pardo) Nyman, a new addition to the native flora of Cyprus
- Cypricola 9 / Christodoulou C. S. & Buttler K. P. 2018: Beta lomatogona, a new addition to the flora of Cyprus
- Cypricola 10 / Charilaou P. 2018: Heliotropium curassavicum L. (Boraginaceae), a new alien species collected in Cyprus
- Cypricola 11 / Spitale D. & Papatheodoulou A. 2019: First record of the invasive Tradescantia fluminensis Vell. (Commelinaceae) in three rivers in Cyprus
- Cypricola 12 / Hand R. 2019: Further noteworthy records of vascular plants in Cyprus (1997–2018) and some status clarifications
- Cypricola 13 / Hand R., Hadjikyriakou G. N. & Christodoulou C. S. 2019: Updated numbers of the vascular flora of Cyprus including the endemism rate
- Cypricola 14 / Hand R. 2019: Orobanche hedypnoidis comb. nov. in Cyprus, new but not unexpected
- Cypricola 15 / Hand R. 2020: Various noteworthy records of flowering plants in Cyprus (1996–2019) and some status clarifications
- Cypricola 16 / Hand R. 2020: First chromosome counts of Lactuca viminea from Cyprus
- Cypricola 17 / Christodoulou C. S., Hand R. & Iosif K. 2020: Solenopsis annua comb. nov., a new taxon for Cyprus
- Cypricola 18 / Hand R. 2020: Asperula stricta, another species reported in error from Cyprus
- Cypricola 19 / Hand R. 2021: An overlooked earlier record for Baldellia ranunculoides from Cyprus
- Cypricola 20 / Hand R. 2022: New noteworthy records of flowering plants in Cyprus (2019–2021) and some status clarifications
- Cypricola 21 / Christofides Y. 2022: Scilla hyacinthoides, a new taxon for Cyprus
- Cypricola 22 / Hand R., Hadjikyriakou G. N. & Makris C. 2022: New noteworthy records of flowering plants in Cyprus (1995–2022)
- Cypricola 23 / Rousou M. 2023: Earliest evidence of Cyprinia gracilis (Boiss.) Browicz in Cyprus: archaeobotanical data from Khirokitia
- Cypricola 24 / Mavrovounioti N., Charilaou P., Botham M. S. & Martinou A. F. 2024: Distribution of 5 Red Data Book plants together with observations of their pollinators from the Akrotiri Peninsula, Cyprus