Scaligeria alziarii

Primary tabs

Scaligeria alziarii


Indigenous (IN)



Chromosome numbers

2n = 20A
A. Hand, R., Hadjikyriakou, G. & Zetzsche, H. 2012: Scaligeria alziarii (Apiaceae), a new sibling species of S. napiformis from Cyprus. – Willdenowia 42: 199-207


Cyprus:Division 1 indigenousBDivision 2 indigenousBDivision 7 indigenousBDivision 8 indigenousB
B. Hand, R., Hadjikyriakou, G. & Zetzsche, H. 2012: Scaligeria alziarii (Apiaceae), a new sibling species of S. napiformis from Cyprus. – Willdenowia 42: 199-207

Altitudinal range

50 – 700 mC
C. Hand, R., Hadjikyriakou, G. & Zetzsche, H. 2012: Scaligeria alziarii (Apiaceae), a new sibling species of S. napiformis from Cyprus. – Willdenowia 42: 199-207


Erect, rhizomatous, polycarpic perennial. Rhizome cylindrical, elongated, ± horizontal, irregularly branched, up to 45 cm long, 3-22 mm wide, older parts warty, blackish brown, somewhat woody; young roots waxy yellow to yellowish brown, fleshy, terminally filiform for about 2-5 cm. Stems solitary, solid, bright green, sometimes with purplish tinge, especially lower parts often glaucous, glabrous, shallowly sulcate, 50-100 cm high, often branched in the upper third. Leaves glabrous, usually dark green above, whitish green and reticulate-veined below; lamina of basal and lower leaves narrowly to broadly deltoid in outline, (3-)6-12(-23) x (5-)17-23 cm, 1-2-ternate-pinnate, usually withering at anthesis; ultimate segments of the basal and lower leaves ovate to rhomboid, usually cuneate at base, irregularly crenate-serrate to lobed, margins sometimes revolute, 8-34 x (5-)26-32 mm; upper cauline leaves (if present) continuously reduced to a lamina with linear lobes, uppermost leaves reduced to simple sheaths; petioles of the basal leaves partly subterranean, (4-)16-28 cm long, canaliculate above; basal leaf-sheaths narrow, 4-8(-21) mm long, with membranous margins and small membranous apical auricles. Inflorescence lax; peduncles 5-10(-12) cm long; bracts 0-2(-3), linear-subulate, caducous, 2-4 mm long, 0.2-0.5 mm wide; umbels lax, (6-)8-15(-20)-rayed; rays very slender, spreading to suberect, unequal, 1-4(-5) cm long at anthesis; bractlets (0-)1-5(-6), inconspicuous, linear-subulate; 1-2 x 0.2-0.5 mm. Flowers 10-20 in each umbellule, about half of them hermaphrodite and the rest male; pedicels filiform, 1-4 mm long; calyx teeth short, rudimentary, often obsolete; petals subequal, oblong-obovate, white with a brownish or purplish median stripe, 0.6-1.04 x 0.45-0.75 mm, apex incurved-emarginate, incision (0.14-)0.24-0.4 mm; filaments 1-1.5 mm long, anthers oblong, 0.3-0.5 mm long, 0.3-0.4 mm wide, whitish yellow; stylopodium convex, later shortly conical, (0.26-)0.27-0.62(-0.64) mm long, styles 0.3-0.8 mm long and erect at anthesis, lengthening to (0.96-)1.12-1.28 mm in fruit and becoming sharply reflexed, stigmas capitate. Fruit broadly ovoid-subglobose, distinctly didymous, base distinctly cordate, separating readily at maturity; mericarps (1.45-)1.52-2.11(-2.2) x 1.3-1.89 mm, 0.8-1.13(-1.4) mm thick, blackish or dark brown when ripe, rugulose, glabrous; ridges very variable, from very obscure and nearly lacking to clearly visible; mericarp anatomy similar to S. napiformis, with (14-)15(-16) oil ducts and conspicuous funicle, commissure (0.12-)0.2-0.32 mm wide; carpophore bipartite.

Source: Hand R., Hadjikyriakou G. & Zetzsche H. 2012: Scaligeria alziarii (Apiaceae), a new sibling species of S. napiformis from Cyprus. - Willdenowia 42: 199-207.



Flowering Period
