Lythrum junceum
A. Chrtek, J. & Slavík, B. 2001: Contribution to the flora of Cyprus. 4. – Fl. Medit. 10: 235-259, B. Meikle, R.D. 1977: Flora of Cyprus 1. – Kew: The Bentham-Moxon Trust, C. Alziar, G. 2000: Compte rendu du 4ème Iter Mediterraneum. – Bocconea 11: 5-83, D. Șekerciler, F. & Ketenoğlu, O. 2011: Flora of north dunes of Karpaz National Park (Cyprus). – Biol. Diversity Conservation 4: 189-203
Altitudinal range
0 – 1675 mE
E. Meikle, R.D. 1977: Flora of Cyprus 1. – Kew: The Bentham-Moxon Trust